Monday, November 9, 2015

30n Days of Thanks-Day 9

Lots of little things to be thankful for today and it's only 1:00! 
I'm thankful for snuggles from this precious little Goddaughter of mine. 
 I don't get many snuggles from her anymore; they usually come from her sister. 
So, I'm happy to cuddle her up whenever she's willing!
 I'm thankful for this very generous delivery from my dad today.  He told us kids, not long after my mom died, that he knew he could never take care of us as well as mom did but that he's always here for us.  I disagreed with him when he told us that because he's always taken wonderful care of all of us and he continues to take care of us now.  I know mom is smiling down on him and at the amazing dad and papa he continues to be. 
 I am thankful for this little man's imagination.  He is all boy.  Everything becomes a trailer when he plays.  He is just like his daddy:)


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