Saturday, November 21, 2015

30 Days of Thanks-Day 21

So much to be thankful for again today.  I'm having such a nice weekend with my little man (the girls are hanging out with Dave's mom while the guys are hunting and love to play cards with the guys at night:).  This is the first time in 9 years that I haven't spent a hunting weekend with my mom.  Since Madi was born, I've usually stayed with her during hunting.  We loved just hanging out,  playing Scrabble, usually we would go out to eat, and probably do some shopping.    I was feeling pretty down about it but I'm happy to have this time with my baby.  Being the youngest, it's not often that him and I have a lot of one-on-one time, especially with babysitting during the day.  The kid absolutely melts my heart. 
 We've been busy bees today.  We had a coffee and bagel date this morning at the coffee shop, we've watched movies in my bed with popcorn, went shopping in Green Bay, and have gotten so much done!  Christmas cards are addressed, labeled, and stamped, Christmas letter is ready to print, Christmas shopping is almost done, and our RAK for this year are almost all ready to go.  Maybe it has something to do with being up before 5am on a Saturday?  He got the awesome Packers coat in the picture above today at Goodwill.  It looks brand new.  He didn't need it but it was $9 and the kid LOVES it.  He is the biggest little Packer fan I've ever seen:)
 I'm thankful that it looks like he's ready to get potty trained!  He's gone on the potty twice today!  We picked up some stickers today and printed out a potty chart.  We haven't pushed the subject at all with him and he's been asking a lot the last couple days.  He's doing well with the pooping part, I have to figure out how to get him not to pee all over though; I'm new at this boy stuff. 
Madi came home with this and I forgot to include it for yesterday.  I am so thankful for the kind little girl she is!  Lord knows Dave and I try to stress, above all else, to always be kind and to be a good person.  She makes us so proud!

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