Tuesday, November 10, 2015

30 Days of Thanks-Day 10

Today I am thankful for good reports from both of the girl's teachers at teacher conferences tonight.  The last couple months have been HARD at our house.  Listening skills have been lacking, there's been lots of tattling and bickering, and just generally a lot of not treating each other the way we should be.  I get that things have been stressful and that my stress and sadness definitely affect the kids.  We're all adjusting and trying to figure out this new norm for our life.  I was a little worried going into conferences, that we would hear some of these things carrying over to school.  Thankfully both girls are doing very well.  Madi's teacher wrote on the top of her evaluation, "Very sweet young lady!  Happy, kind, helpful," and Grace's teacher said she is a sweet little girl.  It's like music to a mamma's ears.  I'm so proud of both of them; I know their little worlds have been turned upside down too.  We're trying some new things at home to get us all back to our "happy place" and I know we will; one day at a time. 

**I forgot to add this yesterday but thought it was too cute not to include.  Before we went to teacher conferences, I asked Grace what she thought her teacher might tell us.  She got quiet and put her head down and said, "well I scribbled a few times."  Made me laugh:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So glad you had such good reports from Madisyn and Grace's teachers. I agree with their assessment of our darling girls despite all the struggles of the past 2 months since their beloved Grandma passed. I don't know how you're Dad could think he couldn't take as good care of you, his children but I've never seen a father or Papa more involved with his kids and grandchildren. I'm glad you set him straight. We continue to pray for you, Lexie and David, the kids, your Dad and the rest of your family members. I hope you feel all of the prayers by your family and friends. We love you. {{{hugs}}}