Monday, November 16, 2015

30 Days of Thanks-Day 16

Today I am thankful for a good morning at our house.  It is so true that the morning sets the tone for the day.  We started a new morning routine a while back with the purpose of eliminating some of the morning craziness we'd been dealing with.  The girls' alarm goes off at 6am and (ideally) they get up, make their beds, get dressed, and take care of their laundry.  They come out for breakfast at about 6:15 and it works best if we choose what we're going to eat the night before. They eat and put their dishes in the dishwasher then we fix their hair.  Normally we get done a little before 7 and then they have free time until my sis-in-law drops the twins off and takes them to school at about 7:20.  Grace has proven not to be a morning person.  She takes a long time to wake up and doesn't like to eat right away.  There have been many mornings that she's still in bed by the time Madi comes out or is a stinker about breakfast.  This morning she was the first one out of their room and she was dressed and she did a beautiful job making her bed!  There was no fighting coming from their room like there is sometimes when they're getting ready, Madi ate her breakfast right up, brushed her hair, and was probably ready by 6:30.  Mornings like this seriously make all the difference! 

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