Wednesday, November 18, 2015

30 Days of Thanks-Day 18

Today I am thankful for my early mornings with my sweet Wyatt.  He is an EARLY riser (3:45, 4:30, 5:30 if he feels like sleeping in).  While there are some days, like today, when I can barely keep my eyes open, I really don't mind our mornings together.  He wakes up and calls, "Mommy!"  We go out in the living room and he has to get his mini muffins, milk, turn on Netflix, and we cuddle on the couch.  I'll sleep when he doesn't want to cuddle anymore, but for now I'll deal with the bags under my eyes:)  This picture was from yesterday when he got up at 4:30; he decided to use my mascara as lipstick during the wee hours of the morning:)

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