Friday, November 27, 2015

30 Days of Thanks-Day 27

Today I am thankful for ringing bells for the Salvation Army this afternoon with the kids and for a nice dinner with my dad afterwards.  I signed us up to do the bell ringing today with Dave gone hunting.  I questioned my sanity many times after signing up while he wasn't home and had made up my mind on Wednesday that I was going to cancel our shift for today; I just didn't think we (Wyatt) was going to handle the two hour shift (prior to this year the shifts have only been one hour but they changed it this year).  But, I just couldn't cancel and so I had my dad on standby in case Wyatt went over the deep edge.  Turns out he was pretty good.  There were times Wyatt and Grace were on the floor and were tired of standing, we had fights about who would ring the bell and handout the mints we brought, but we made it!  We signed up for another shift on December 12th and daddy will be home for that one!  My dad told the kids if they were good he would treat us to dinner after we were done.  Truth be told, we were probably going to go out regardless because it is more of a treat for me than for them:)  Thanks dad. 


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so glad your 2 hour stint went better than you were thinking. So nice of your Dad to be "on call" just in case and especially for encouraging the kids with the promise of dinner out. Glad you got a break from cooking AND dishes!! So proud of you guys!