Thursday, November 5, 2015

30 Days of Thanks-Day 5

Today I'm thankful for a few "little" things.  I'm thankful to have my dad home.  He was only gone for a few days, in MT visiting family, but I'm happy he's home.  I know so many people live far away from their parents, but I've been blessed to live so close to mine for so many years; not only live by them but see them almost everyday.  There's a certain comfort in it for me now, knowing they're just minutes away.  My dad has worked away from home for a long time (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off) and since my mom's been gone, it's harder to have him gone.  I know he's always just a phone call away and I text him and talk to him while he's gone, it's just another thing to get used to.  I'm also very thankful for an idea for a Christmas present for my Grandma.  She lives in a nursing home and so her space is VERY limited.  It's always so hard to know what to get her aside from the standard go-to gift of a Barnes and Noble gift card.  Finally, no choir for the girls tonight=a night at home with nothing pressing to do!  It truly is the little things!

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