Tuesday, November 24, 2015

30 Days of Thanks-Day 24

Today I am thankful for the excitement our girls had for the guest performers at their school and for Grace being so brave to stand in front of all the school and ask them a question she thought of!  Andi & Alex, who were recently on The Voice, came to the girls' school to perform today and take questions from some of the kids.  Andi & Alex attended Glenbrook when they were young and are Pulaski grads.  Grace was chosen from all the Kindergarteners to ask them a question.  When she found out yesterday that she was picked, she was pretty nervous and I wasn't sure she'd go through with it today.  But, she did, and she did a great job:)  Her teacher snapped the picture of her and e-mailed it to me and another teacher (the mom of the little guy I babysit) recorded her for me. 

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