Thursday, November 12, 2015

30 Days of Thanks-Day 12

Today I am thankful for these two beautiful little girls who turn two years old today!  I feel so blessed to be their Auntie.  I love being so close to them and I love how close they are to my kids.  I'm thankful I get to experience the wonder of twins through watching them; it's truly something special.  They are each so unique and different and both have the best sense of humor and little personalities .  I'm thankful things worked out so I could spend my days with them.  Auntie wasn't very prepared but Wyatt and I whipped up a little impromptu birthday party before Hannah and Hattie came over today.  We blew up balloons, got out our birthday books, made party hats, downloaded a fun version of Happy Birthday on iTunes, and got Happy Meals for lunch.  We listened to Happy Birthday over, and over, and over, and over again!  The smiles on their faces each time was so worth it:)   Happy Birthday sweet girls!  Auntie couldn't possibly love you more!   

 Happy Hatters!
 It was love at first sight with these two little ladies.  Top picture is the first time I met them, bottom left is last year on their birthday, and bottom right is today.  Hannah didn't want a picture and Hattie wanted to watch tv:)
 Wyatt helping with the party prep:)

Hooray for McDonald's birthday lunch and not Auntie's cooking! 
I am also so very thankful for the beautiful Evening of Remembrance put on by Aurora Health Care this evening.  I am so thankful for the care my mom received from all of the wonderful staff there and especially for the group of amazingly beautiful women who cared for her during her final time here on earth.  God had to have hand picked these nurses to be in hospice care; they are wonderful at what they do.  My mom's favorite hospice nurse, Val, was there tonight with her son Andrew.  Andrew often prayed for my mom and I am so thankful we were able to meet him.  My mom had a beautiful butterfly scarf that Val loved.  Mom was able to find another one just like it and gave it to Val as a gift.  Val's daughter also loved the scarf and would borrow it and wear it.  Well, when her daughter moved to AZ, the scarf went with her.  Val had told us this story so we knew she no longer had the scarf.  After mom passed away, we found her same butterfly scarf hanging in the closet.  I knew it had to go to Val.  My dad took some things to the hospital one day and left the scarf there for them to give to Val.  She told me tonight, that on her way to work that day, she was thinking how burned out she was and didn't know if she could continue on working like she was.  She said she got to work and was given the scarf and she knew she was doing exactly what she was put on this earth to do. 
 Each person's name was read and we went up and received a rose in her memory.
We were asked to bring a picture to display at the service as well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, Lexie! It was a beautiful service and I loved the story about Val and the Butterfly scarf! She's an awesome RN and your mom and family were truly blessed to have her taking care of her! Love that smile on Madi's face with your family's rose and the photo and framed words along side! I love you!