Tuesday, November 3, 2015

30 Days of Thanks-Day 3

Today I am thankful for this beautiful day we're having.  It's almost 70 degrees here today and it's just been a good day.  I wish I could say that we've been having more good days than bad days lately.  Unfortunately, time doesn't make anything easier; it's been 8 weeks and it still hurts the same.  We've all been short tempered, lost our patience, hurt each other, and shed a lot of tears lately.  Some mornings the girls fight going to school and cry going out the door.  We're all trying to adjust to this new normal.  All this makes me appreciate days like today so much.  I know we'll eventually turn the corner and our tough days will be few and far between; one day at a time is all we can do. 
 The sky was absolutely breathtaking this morning.  The clouds looked like they went on forever.

 The kids had a mini meltdown before lunch.  They were all standing at my feet crying while I was making lunch.  I was feeling a bit frazzled but when I finally gave it to them, there was complete silence.  Between them, they finished a box of mac n' cheese, a container of raspberries, and finger jello.  They even licked their plates (and the table) clean. 
 After lunch we went to the park and to the cemetery to visit Grandma. 
One swing, two girls....no problem:)
I am also really loving my Thanksgiving mantle.  I just bought myself the owl and the 'R' and they are a couple of my very favorite pieces in my house ($5 each on clearance at Burlington Coat Factory, score!).  Dave gathered branches for me the other day so we could make our "Thankful Tree."  I cut out a bunch of leaves and everyday we write what we're thankful for on them and put them on the branches.  The girls are loving it. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, what a neat idea with the thankful tree, Lexie! Glad today was a good day. I was walking with my friend, Sheri Jo @ 7 AM and she described the clouds looking like a farmer's plowed field furrows. She's a farmer's daughter. Yes, I think you're wise following the one day at a time theory. I pray for you and your Dad and family everyday. It broke my heart to see all Grace's tears and then Madisyn and all of us at the beautiful All Souls mass at your Mom and Dad's church last night. I love you all!