Thursday, November 26, 2015

30 Days of Thanks-Day26

Today I am thankful for a beautiful Thanksgiving with my wonderful family, Dave's parents, and my sister-in-law, Sarah's, parents.  We had a very nice day with amazing food.  It was so much harder than I anticipated, not having my mom here.  You go along, thinking you're ok, and then the tears just come.  I miss her so much.  I'm thankful for the memories and traditions she left us with.  I'm thankful Dave's sister was able to stop by this evening for a short visit.  I'm thankful that everyone shared in the preparation of our delicious meal.  I'm thankful that we made it through another "first" without my mom. 
 I tried my hand at my mom's stuffing today.  This is before it was cooked; we all love to taste test it before it's cooked.  My dad said I did good, that it tasted just like it should:)
 We used the silverware we got as a gift from Dave's Grandma & Grandpa Reed as a wedding gift. 
 I made all the kids turkey hats
 I couldn't resist this fun tablecloth from Target.  The kids had fun coloring on it and playing the games on it. 
 Kids table
 My little turkeys
 My mother-in-law makes amazing pies.  I'm thankful she offered to bring them today because pie making is not something I'm good at.  So delicious!
 My sister-in-law made this adorable cheese, sausage, and cracker turkey. 
 My mom was the center of our table today; always with us.  My sister-in-law brought me the lovely flowers.  My mom always brought the hostess flowers so Sarah said she was carrying on the tradition.  I'm so thankful for Sarah, she's been the biggest support to me in so many ways.
 My dad carving the turkey he fried for us. 
 Hannah playing the iPad on Jim's lap
 My sweet little turkey nieces.  Hannah was not thrilled I wouldn't open up her candy for her:)
 Silly cousins, Grace and Hattie. 
 Dave and his masterpiece.  This turkey was a labor of love.  He used my dad's smoker to smoke it.  It was SO GOOD and quite the process to make it. 
Our delicious spread!

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