Sunday, November 8, 2015

30 Days of Thanks-Day 8

Today I am thankful for this beautiful, strong, talented, (the list could go on and on!) woman I am blessed to call my sister.  Today she turned 23 years old and I remember the day she was born like yesterday.  We had a delicious lunch at Doc's (Timeline Saloon), some triple chocolate torte, and opened presents.  It was a really nice day. 
We got Kaci a gift certificate for a Stormy Kromer hat.  She has her eye on a cute Packer colored one.

 A Pizazz from Dad:)  We told her she could cook anything on it, especially since she doesn't completely trust her apartment oven. 
 Grace + Bubble Wrap = happiness
 My people:)
 Happy Birthday baby sis!

 Doug & Sarah, I apologize for the messy cupcakes!  That's what aunties are for right?
 Hannah was best buddies with Auntie Kaci when our waitress brought her out a birthday sundae!
 We wandered around outside at Docs and checked out all his crazy stuff.  Wyatt climbed up in the "ship" and said, "I pirate!"
I wonder if he would sell this particular piece...I see how it might come in handy;)

I am also thankful for my clean house (until the kids wake up anyway!).  We washed all the bedding and changed everyone's beds to flannel sheets, washed all our comforters at the Laundromat, rotated mattresses, vacuumed ceiling fans, and just gave the house a good clean.  Having a clean house is one of favorite things; too bad it never lasts long...Spending the afternoon/evening at my dad's was a good way to end the day.  We worked on putting toys in the "toy room" and went through some stuff.   So many happy memories of my mom and so many things that make us smile.   Lots to be thankful for. 


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

What a lovely day you all had with your family and all that cleaning too! I'm certain your Mom was with you all today! Lexie I love your photo captions, especially the one about the giant bird cage!!