Monday, November 30, 2015

30 Days of Thanks-Day 30

Wow!  I can't believe it's the last day of November already.  This month really flew for me.  Today I am thankful for this entire month and for a renewed focus on giving thanks even when life has you feeling down.  It's always a great reminder for me that no matter how bad things are, you really can always find something to be thankful for.  Tomorrow begins our RAKs and Jolly, our Elf on the Shelf, returns tonight!  Here are a couple things that are warming my heart today. 
I did some decorating for Christmas today and brought out our basket of Christmas books for the little ones.  Wyatt and Hannah sat next to each other so sweetly, looking at the books.  They were so excited and Wyatt kept coming up to me saying, "Mommy I found  my ..... book!"  He was so excited about each book he came across, it was like Christmas for him:)
Since I spend a lot of time in this spot everyday, by my kitchen sink, I filled it with all the things I love the most.  I didn't want to put away my new favorite owl decoration, so I put a scarf on him and it was instant Christmas décor:)  I printed the adorable "Holiday to do List" from  I love the simplicity of it so I framed it and put it front and center where I could see it and be reminded daily of the true meaning of the season. 
And then there's these 3.  When one wants to use the potty, they all want to use the potty.  The moral of the story is.....I need more potties.  At least Wyatt and Hattie actually went which was awesome; Hattie's 1st time!!!  NEVER a dull moment I tell you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Loved all your 30 days of Thanks posts, Lexie. So sweet, Wyatt loving finding his books! LOL! Great that the kids are potty training together. I should drop off ours now that we don't need it anymore!! Can you use it? Love your blog, Lexie and love you so much!! Oh and ty for the link for Christmas simplicity!