Wednesday, November 4, 2015

30 Days of Thanks-Day 4

Today I am thankful for this guy.
This year we celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine we would experience so much in that 10 years; job changes and loss, the loss of  3 grandparents, our own child,  my mom, one of our college friends, an aunt, an uncle, and a cousin.  We've also been blessed with so much good but, the good times are "easy."  It's all the tough times that really test us and our relationships.  During the last 3 years, Dave has seen me at my very worst.  He's seen me shed more tears than anyone, he's taken the brunt of my sadness and frustrations, he's picked up the slack at home when I spent days and nights in the hospital with my mom, taken the kids on solo weekend adventures, and he's supported me every step of the way.  I know it hasn't been easy; I drive myself crazy sometimes:)  He works SO hard for us so I can stay home with the kids.  He usually works 11-12 hours a day and then comes home and gives baths, takes/picks up the girls from activities, helps with dinner/cleanup, and does a lot of odd jobs for others. 
 I'm proud to be his wife and I'm so thankful that he's mine. 

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