Monday, November 2, 2015

30 Days of Thanks-Day 2

Today I am thankful for a beautiful All Souls Day mass in remembrance of my mom and all those from her church that have passed away in the last year.  I hadn't anticipated how hard it would be to go to mass at the church where I saw my mom for the last time.  Our family belongs to another parish and I hadn't been to her and my dad's church since her funeral.  The priest offered very comforting words, a candle was lit for each of the faithful departed, and at the end of mass we were given the candle with her name on it.  They played one of the songs we had chosen for her funeral service and though we chose it because it was so beautiful, there were lots of tears hearing it again.  As hard as it was, I know it's part of our healing and grieving process.  I looked down at Grace, singing along to one of the songs, and I knew mom was smiling down on her and her precious little voice. 
Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord.  And let the perpetual light shine upon her.  Amen. 

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