Monday, December 1, 2014

Jolly Returns, Day 1 RAK, and Cute Kids

 Our Elf on the Shelf, Jolly, returned this morning and brought the kids Elf on the Shelf pajamas all the way from the North Pole!  He also reminded them to be on their best behavior this year!  Unfortunately it didn't work well today...there's always tomorrow, right?

 Sleepy eyes and bed heads and Grace with closed eyes-surprise,surprise:)
 Today for our 1st Random Act of Kindness (RAK) we delivered some gloves, hats, and mittens to the Pulaski Area Community Education (PACE) office where they are collecting them for kids who may not have their own.  We talked about how blessed we are to have our warm coats, hats, boots, snow pants, gloves, etc. and how we are able to share our blessings, in a small way, by donating these to kids who need them.  The girls were excited and asked right away what we are doing tomorrow:)  I just want to throw it out there that my son does in fact have socks and I did have both socks and shoes on him when we left the house.  As you can see in the background, he is barefoot!
 Grace thought it would be funny to put her and Madi's vests on the twins today.  Hattie thought she was one cool chick walking around with Madi's vest on:)
 Wyatt just being cute. 
He started saying "cheese" when you take his picture and gives a big goofy grin:)
And little Hannah, happy as a clam.  She thought the vest was pretty cool too!

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