Saturday, December 20, 2014

Jolly & RAK Day 20 and Wyatt's First Haircut

 It was a big day for out little Wy man; he got his first hair cut! In all honesty, it was a few hairs that were hanging over his ears and driving his Daddy nuts, but nonetheless, still a haircut:)  It will probably be quite some time before he needs a full fledged haircut. 
 We did a few different RAK today.  We had to go grocery shopping so while we were at Wal-Mart, the girls put some extra coupons I had on diapers and diaper rash cream.  We also went shopping at Aldi where you have to put a quarter in to get a cart (cuts their costs which, in turn, cuts our costs)...I left my quarter in my cart for the next person; not anything huge but hopefully it brought a smile to someone.  Tonight we rang bells for the Salvation Army and handed out mints that Jolly had left for us this morning. 
Unfortunately, we encountered several rude and grouchy people while we were out and about today.  It is our hope that the small things we do can bring a smile, even if just to one person and remind them that there is ALWAYS something we can be thankful for, no matter what our circumstances may be.  If nothing else, our kids are figuring it out.  While we were ringing the bell today, Grace was strategically placing the mints we had on the store displays.  When we told her to pick them up, she told us, "random kindness."  We couldn't argue with her there:) 


This morning Jolly was no where to be found in our house.  The girls look everywhere and were starting to get a bit nervous I think.  Madi had the idea that maybe he was in our car and, sure enough, that's where they found him! 

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