Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas from the Reeds

 At my mom and dad's house on Christmas Eve. 
 The girls wanted one of just the two of them together:)
 Hannah was much more interested in the candy cane m&m than opening any presents. 
 I have a pretty great sis-in-law and I'm so happy she liked her gift this year.  A reaction like hers is the exact reason I love gift-giving so much. 
 Papa looking at his blanket with all his kiddos on it.
 Mom and Dad opening their gift from all of us.
 Hattie wanted to help me open up my gifts. 
 Beautiful little Hannah
 Christmas morning before seeing what Santa brought!  Wy was a little sad to start the morning until he saw his presents. 
 I wish we had a better picture of Grace's reaction to this giant Barbie house, but you can see the "o" shape of her mouth:)
 Wyatt went straight for Grace's gift too...
 ...and Grace promptly removed him
 He decided his gift was pretty cool too
 Everyone happy with what Santa brought.  (Madi got headphones, an iTunes card, and some $)
 Madi is so happy with her new moccasin slippers. 
 Wyatt thought Grace's new scooter looked like something he would really enjoy. 
 Grace thought giving him a ride would be a good idea; Dave and I didn't agree. 
Grace wanted to put on all of her favorite things.  She put on her cool 'Frozen' shoes, cute hoodie from Sarah's parents, and her 'Frozen' gloves.  What a little fashionista she is!
Christmas night always makes me a little sad; sad that it's all over for another year.  It just goes too fast.  We had a very nice Christmas as we always do.  We spent Christmas Eve night with my family, opened gifts at home this morning, stopped at Grandpa and Grandma's to see what Santa had left there, and then spent the afternoon/evening with Dave's extended family at the Welter family Christmas.   It was a very good day and the kids were worn out by the end of it.  Now it's onto figuring out where to put it all!  Merry Christmas!

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