Thursday, December 11, 2014

Jolly & RAK Day 11 and Blessed Birthday

 This morning Jolly wrapped our entire kitchen table and topped it with a bow and a tag that said, "To:  Mrs. Reed, From: Jolly, Happy Birthday." 
 We had dinner tonight at my favorite restaurant. This is Wyatt's new face when he sees the camera and says, "cheese."  What a guy. 
Me and two of my babies tonight at dinner.  I am blessed beyond measure in so many ways.  I received so many nice birthday wishes today and wonderful gifts and topped it off with a delicious dinner and Turtle Torte which Dave got for me today. 
I don't have a picture of our RAK for today.  I left the waitress a nice extra tip and one of our cute RAK cards after our dinner out tonight.  Since we were treated to our dinner (thank you mom & dad!) I figured we would pay it forward.  Waitressing was my favorite job that I've ever had and getting a good tip just really made your night.  And who couldn't use a little extra this time of year?

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