Sunday, November 30, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 30

Today I am thankful to have Dave and the girls home with us after their stay with Dave's parents.  As much as I loved my time with Wyatt, I missed them all so much; our home is meant to be filled with 3 precious blessings.  I am thankful for getting to go to a craft show this morning with my mom and sister (and Wy of course).  I am thankful my mom and dad have a new home to go to and can close before they have to be out of their current home.  I am thankful my dad can come home from work a couple days early next week and that he will be home for Grace's birthday party.  There really is just so much to be thankful for everyday. 

This month just flew by again and tomorrow is December!!! Tonight our Elf on the Shelf, Jolly, returns!  We are very excited; I'm sure he has some fun things up his sleeve:)  December is my favorite month of the year and this year I'm especially excited because I have things pretty well done as far as shopping, gifts, wrapping, etc.  and we are going to focus on the true meaning of Christmas.  We plan on doing a random act of kindness each day until Christmas (some not so random:).  We have our calendar filled up with something each day and have everything we need gathered for this first week!  The girls are both very kindhearted to begin with, but I want them to experience firsthand how good doing things for others, and expecting nothing in return, can feel.  I hope they are as excited as I am.  It truly is far better to give than to receive. 

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