Thursday, December 18, 2014

Jolly & RAK Day 18 and Madi's Concert Day!

 Our RAK today was one final stop at the post office to mail a little something we wanted two special people to have to open up on Christmas. 
 Jolly must have known Madi was having some nervous jitters about her concert today because he did just the perfect thing.  He was pretending he was singing on 'The Voice.'  He also left her a note telling her, "Madisyn, You have 'the voice' of an angel!  Good luck at your concert today!  P.S. You'll do great!"

 Our beautiful girl all dressed up for her concert.  We even did sparkly red nails this morning:)
 A quick wave to Wyatt before heading up on stage. 
I forgot the bigger lens for my camera and it's almost impossible to get a good picture in the gym.  Madi's head is behind the microphone:(  On a good note though, we stopped at the bake sale we baked for and they were selling our containers of treats for $5!  Hopefully the raise lots of money towards their new risers. 

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