Monday, December 8, 2014

Jolly & RAK Day 8 and Proud Mama

 Jolly created a fun game of checkers this morning with peppermints:) 
Wyatt wanted in on it right away:)

 Our RAK for today was a little more ding-dong-ditching (we're bringing our kids up right:).  Madi and I  dropped off some goodies for a family down the street and then ran like the wind all the way home.  It was the most running I've done in a while:)

Ok, I have to brag on my Madi girl today.  She got an Advent countdown paper chain at CCD; each day you add a link to the chain and they each have some kind of good deed, etc. on them.  Today it says, "Eat healthy and stay away from snacks today."  After school she came home and said she didn't have a snack with her lunch or during snack time today.  I had forgotten about the chain and asked her why not.  She said, "remember, it was on my paper for today."   After school she decided to chew gum so she wouldn't be tempted to have a snack and she was worried that the marshmallows in her hot chocolate would be considered a snack.  I was so proud of her that she had remembered and followed through with no snacks.  My heart was seriously just bursting with joy and pride for my sweet girl. 

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