Saturday, December 6, 2014

Jolly & RAK Day 6, St. Nick, and Christmas Tree Cutting!

Whew, what a day!  This morning Jolly brought us a fun new Christmas story book with stories to read each night up until Christmas and a nice cozy blanket to snuggle with while we're reading!  St. Nick also made a stop at the Reed house and brought the kids some goodies.  Madi did some Christmas card stamping at the coffee shop this morning and then Dave brought Grace and Wyatt for story time for the smaller kids.  After a fun story time we went out for lunch and then to cut down our tree!  We came home and decorated it and Daddy put up some decorations outside.  What a perfect December Saturday!
 Jolly's treat for the kids this morning. 
 St. Nick came!
 Taylor Swift's new CD, omg!
 Grace face with her new Christmas shirt:)
 Wy man sampling some of his new puffs.
 Our RAK for today was to give someone at the coffee shop our full punch card which is good for a free drink.  We attached this cute little card to it and asked the girls working to give it to the next person who came in to order.  Madi saw the person who got it was a 2nd grade teacher at her school:) 
 On the hunt for the perfect Christmas tree!
 The boys
 It was really a beautiful day, the sun was so pretty!
 This boy LOVES being outside:)
 Me and my little man. 
 Me and my kiddos

 FINALLY found one!

 Small town living; got stuck waiting for this truck to get filled with corn!
Decorating the tree:)

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