Friday, December 19, 2014

Jolly & RAK Day 19

 It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Super Jolly.
 Jolly was flying high on our ceiling fan this morning complete with his own personalized cape and green mask. 
 All 3 kids were sitting on the couch this morning and all of a sudden Jolly came off the fan and flew right onto the couch with them! 
 Close-up of Jolly's gear. 
 Our RAK for today was to visit the Laundromat and leave laundry soap and quarters. 
 Each of the girls got to take their bottle of laundry soap and quarters and pick a machine to put it on. 
 My sweet, photogenic, Gracie:)  Thank goodness they are getting haircuts tomorrow so the child will be able to see again! 
After our stop at the Laundromat we got a treat from Dairy Queen and drove around to look at the Christmas lights.  I accidentally cut Wyatt out of the picture, he was already sleeping by this point:)

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