Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Jolly & RAK Day 10 and Grace's Christmas Concert

 What time is it?  Jolly time:)
Our beautiful Grace, all dressed up and ready for her very first school Christmas concert!
 This might be kind of a copout, but this is our RAK for today.  A while back Grace's teacher asked if anyone would be able to help with drinks for the little reception after their concert.  I told her that I would help and asked how many I needed to plan for.....she told me 150!  After my initial thought of, "oh my goodness, what the heck did I get myself into,"  I decided we'd make the most of it and go all in.  We had 8 gallons of punch, a crockpot full of cider, and a 40 cup pot of coffee.  We ended up with only one full gallon of punch leftover and two partials, the crockpot of cider almost empty, and maybe half the coffee gone.  It was quite a crowd!
 Wyatt was feeding Hattie some treats before the concert:)
 Our little star

 Taking a bow
 So proud after a great concert
And the best part...treats afterwards!

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