Friday, December 5, 2014

Jolly & RAK Day 5 and Frosty's Holiday Event

Today we found Jolly on the couch with Madi's iPod. When she went to turn it on, she found that he had been taking some selfies with it! 

Madi didn't want to be in the picture; she had just gotten up and her hair was a mess:)
 Our RAK for today was a little "ding dong diaper ditching." 
We're not sure if the recipients ever answered their door so they may have some very cold diapers and wipes when the eventually find them. 
Tonight we went to an annual event put on by our Chamber of Commerce, Frosty's Holiday Event.  It is held at our library and they have horse-drawn wagon rides, visits with Santa, Mrs. Clause reading books, pizza, hot dogs, cookies, and drinks, and even a fire pit outside for s'more making.  We're pretty sure the man "driving" our wagon ride missed a turn because we ended up being gone for 40 minutes!  There was a loooong line waiting when we got back:)
 Doug, Sarah, and the girls joined us this year!
 On the wagon ride:)
 Hannah and Hattie with Santa!  They didn't mind a bit! 
 "I want a Barbie house!"
 "I don't really know what I want for Christmas." 
 No picture with Santa for this little hunk; he cried:(
 Wy and his adorable little BFF, Hattie:) 

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