Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Jolly & RAK Day 17 and Santa Comes to Story Time

 Jolly thought our lighting could use some help so he gave us a festive red light bulb for in our lamp.

 Today we left a special treat for our mail carrier as our RAK.  We gave her a code for a free Redbox rental, some popcorn, and a box of movie treats:)
 Gracie, my little elf:)
 Putting up the flag so she stops to see what's inside! 
 I finally worked up the courage to load up all the little elves and take them to story time at our library.  Getting all of us loaded to go anywhere is quite a task but we couldn't pass up story time with Santa!  And really, it went very well so we might just have to make it a regular thing. Here Santa is reading "The Night Before Christmas" to the kids.
 Santa was rockin' the ukulele!
 My sweet Goddaughter, Hannah, watching Santa from a distance. 
 Gracie and Hannah (at this point Hattie and Wyatt were sticking pretty close to me)
 Gracie showing off her Christmas tree hand stamp from the librarian. 
 Grace and Santa!  (no picture of Wyatt, he wouldn't go near him!)
Hannah and Hattie visiting Santa.  Hattie was ready to make a break for it and Hannah would've sat all day and cuddled; she kept touching the soft fur on Santa's coat. 

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