Saturday, November 1, 2014

October's Final Hoorah

It's been a month filled with fun and last night was the grand finale!  Unfortunately it was cold and windy and the little ones didn't last long.  We came home with the kids and Dave and Madi headed back out and she came home with quite a bag full.  She counted it this morning and she had 120 pieces of candy!  October is such a great month so I'm sad to see it go.  November is a great month to count our blessings and give thanks which is exactly what we plan to do)  Stay tuned!
Last weekend we went to the "Creepy Crawl" event at our community park.  The girls played bingo...
 Did some trunk-or-treating and got some awesome treats!
 Wyatt looked cute as always
 We walked on the trail of pumpkins to get to the haunted woods and hay ride
 They did some arts and crafts
 This was the aftermath of the Creepy Crawl; Wyatt turned into a candy monster and afterwards!
 These were the treats the girls took their teachers for Halloween:)  Some Halloween soap and hand towel because, "germs are scary!"
 They both took these mini bags of popcorn and a small bag of goodies for their class. 
 We couldn't forget some of the helpers in Grace's class so we had to give them a treat too after all, they deal with 4 year olds all day!
 Both girls took a jello jack-o-lantern for their class parties
 We had vampire donuts for breakfast on Halloween:)  Sleepy eyed kids!
 Of course we had to try out the teeth
 Wy was pretty happy with his Halloween goodies from mom and dad
 Grace had an extra spooky Halloween lunch
 Wyatt had to use both is spoon and fork, he was a hungry boy
 Waiting for the first trick-or-treaters
 Wyatt was ready to go trick-or-treating
 Our trick-or-treating crew:)
 This is how the guys trick-or-treat, a Busch Light in hand
 Hattie was over it:)
 Dave, Doug, and Hannah
The Reed/Hoverson cousins:)

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