Monday, November 24, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 24

Today I am thankful for the excitement of my mom and dad towards the home the put an offer on today.  I could tell that my mom's heart wasn't in the other home they have an offer out on or the others that they've looked at. Today I heard the excitement in both of their voices as they explained the house to us and how they wished we all could've been there to see it with them.  It made me happy.  It's been a stressful time; not only them getting their home ready to sell, but looking for other homes and not having much luck and then having their house sell quickly and not knowing where home was going to be, all while my dad is only home every two weeks.  To hear them both so excited and hopeful leaves me feeling thankful beyond measure.  Now for some prayers that their offer will be accepted and they can close quickly and have the home before December 19th. 

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