Wednesday, November 5, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Days 4 &5

Day 4-Today I am thankful for driving by Madi's school while she was at recess and seeing her running and playing with her friends and screaming happily.  It makes me so happy to see her so happy. 

Day 5-Today I am thankful for the sweet kisses of my precious Goddaughter, Hannah.  I was sitting on the floor with the kids today and she kept kissing me on the shoulder and would turn away when I looked at her and giggle; it was like she was playing a game.  Then when she would look at me again, she would kiss me on the lips.  She is such a sweet, sweet girl and almost always has a kiss for me:)  I love her (and her sister of course) dearly (sister Hattie just wasn't giving out kisses freely today:)

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