Thursday, November 27, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 27

Today I am thankful for our Thanksgiving/early Christmas celebration with Dave's family, and especially that his sister was able to join us.  We had a nice day filled with lots of yummy food, wonderful gifts, and cousins playing.  Dave and the girls are staying at his parent's house for the next few days; while Dave hunts the girls will have some time with Grandma before they leave for AZ next week.  I'm missing them already; it's so quiet without them.  Wyatt seemed to enjoy having mommy to himself tonight though and fell asleep on my lap:)  Here are just a few pictures from our day; sometimes I get sick of watching everything through the camera lens and just want to watch and enjoy. 
 Pretty tree at Grandma & Grandpa's house
 Our Godsons, Carter and Jack
 The girls waiting ever so patiently to open their presents
 O.M.G. American Girl dolls mom!
Madi was soooo excited!
 They even got a place to hang all their clothes!
 We got Carter this Ninja Turtle bath shaving set and he loved it. 
He had to shave after we were done opening gifts:)
 Wyatt wanted to try it out too. 
 Grandpa modeling his new Packer's jacket; perfect fit!
Grandpa & Grandma with their blanket:)  I think they liked it:)

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