Saturday, November 15, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 14 & 15

Day 14-Today I am thankful for wonderful teacher conferences for both our girls last night.  Of course I am proud of them when I hear they are doing well with their school work, but I am most proud when I hear what kind girls they are and that they always include and help other kids.  I would rather my kids have a kind heart over all the book smarts in the world any day.  So what if Grace doesn't have all her letters down yet; her teacher told us she is the little girl who is always there for the other kids and willing to play with someone if another child is not.  Madi's teacher told us she always helps out the kids who are struggling with their work.  I am so very thankful for my two kind, beautiful, smart daughters. 

Day 15-Today I am thankful for my Aunt Laurel.  She has been here to visit at least 4 times this year I think.  She has been there for all of us through my mom being sick and offered support always.  She was the first person to call me after we found out mom was sick and told me she would be here for us and help us any way she could.  She flew in yesterday to surprise Doug & Sarah at the twin's first birthday party today.  She is always taking care of, and doing so much for everyone.  There have been times when it has felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders and it's hard being so far away from the rest of our family; but I know if we needed her here she would be on a plane in a second.  She's just the best:)

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