Friday, November 21, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 20 &21

Day 20-Today I am thankful that hunting season is upon us which means hubby will be shaving soon!  He keeps telling me how many compliments he gets on his beard and I tell him, "none of them have to kiss you."
Day 21-Today I am thankful we were able to help out Dave's cousin and his wife and watch their little guy for a while today.  Little Nolan LOVED Gracie and followed her around and even colored a picture for her.  He has such good manners for a little guy and talks sooo well.  Whenever he wanted to get my attention he would say, "hey mama, hey mama."  Grace showed him a picture of Dave and asked if he knew who it was and he said, "Papa John,"  (his Grandpa, lol).  Pretty cool that the kids got to play with their 3rd cousin.  He and Wyatt also share a middle name, John, after their great-grandpa (and for Nolan, his dad and grandpa too). 
 Grace was showing him her games on the iPad which he thought was super cool!
Nolan and Gracie enjoying their lunch.  I asked him if he liked grilled cheese and he excitedly said, "yes."  I asked what we should have with it and he recommended an apple which we thought was perfect!

Here are a couple more pictures of the sweet little faces I get to spend my day with. 
 Love them all so much!
 Hatters:)  These girls seriously couldn't be more beautiful!
 He was mad at mama:)  He climbs on EVERYTHING and hates that I try to keep him from cracking his head open.  Worst.  Mom.  Ever. 
Hannah going for an afternoon motorcycle cruise!

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