Tuesday, November 11, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 10 & 11

Day 10- Today I am thankful for my husband figuring out how to child proof (and by child proof I mean Wyatt proof!) my pantry door.  Wyatt was relentlessly getting into the panty over and over again everyday and trying to get candy, cereal, and worst of all, dog food!  After spending the evening alone with Wyatt, Dave understood my frustrations and figured out how to keep him out for now.  It really is the little things in life! 

Day 11-Today I am thankful that my suburban and I are ok after a run in with a deer tonight.  I have been so nervous about hitting a deer lately and tonight it happened.  He came out right into the side of my vehicle and thankfully only left a small dent, some hair, and some nice poop down the side of the car.  I frantically pulled over and called Dave who asked right away if I was alright and said he could care less about the suburban.  I went back to see if I could see the deer and didn't see it at all so Dave went back when I got home to see if he could find it and make sure it wasn't suffering.  So, tonight I am thankful to be home safe and sound with little damage to my vehicle and the best husband a girl could ask for! 

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