Sunday, November 9, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 9

Today I was feeling kind of "blah."  It was laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping day and I just felt like I couldn't ever get ahead.  I would clean something up and the kids would take even more out; I would get laundry done and more would appear in the laundry baskets.  It all left me feeling a little crabby, trying to think about that one really great thing that happened today that I was thankful for.  I realized that while there wasn't that one great thing, all these things that weren't so great stood for some pretty great things in my life that some days I obviously take for granted and don't always see as blessings.  The dirty laundry means that my family and I have clothes to keep us warm, cleaning my messy house means that I have a beautiful place to live, and grocery shopping means that I have food to feed my family.  So today I am thankful for all these things that I often take for granted. 

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