Sunday, November 23, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 23

Today I am thankful to have my hubby home and just for a good day overall.  Madi sang at mass this morning and my mom and dad came and took her to church for me (she has to be there 45 minutes early) so Wyatt and Grace wouldn't have to sit any longer than necessary.....sometimes an hour is pushing it!  Her little choir did a beautiful job as always.  After church we went and had lunch with my mom and dad and then had a quiet afternoon at home until daddy came home from hunting and gave all the kids baths.  I know I give Dave a hard time sometimes but I really do miss him when he's gone and I really do notice how much help he is to me everyday.  I don't know how parents who have to do it alone manage sometimes.  I have the upmost respect for them.  So, I am thankful for a wonderful Sunday and thankful to have my partner back; we make a pretty good team:)

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