Wednesday, November 19, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 18 & 19

Day 18-Today I am thankful for the blessing of being able to stay home with my kids.  To be honest, there are days when I miss my job; I loved the work I did at the bank, the people I worked with, and getting to know people in our small community.  Then I think about the stress of not knowing who was going to take care of the kids (especially at times right after my mom got sick; I went into panic mode and looked into daycares and talked to in-home providers that I knew of and thought I would immediately have to quit my job).  By some miracle, a TON of help, and a lot of strength from my mom on days I'm sure she didn't want to babysit, we made it through just over a year of me continuing to work.  It wouldn't have been a big deal, but at the time I carried our medical insurance and with losing one baby and soon after getting pregnant with Wyatt, it was something we absolutely couldn't be without.  I don't have to worry about missing work if my kids are sick because I'm here with them.  I don't have to try and figure out how to make it to concerts, conferences, etc. based on my work schedule.  I am so thankful for Dave's hard work that allows me to do all these things without stress. 

Day 19-Today I am thankful for the sweet sound of baby giggles that filled my house today and the cute little "roars" that they learned.  I was crawling after the Wyatt, Hannah, and Hattie today "roaring" at them and telling them, "I'm gonna get you!"  Their little belly laughs might be the best sound ever.  A while after we had played, Wyatt came up to Hannah, and she made the cutest little roaring noise ever and then giggled.  I just love them all so much.

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