Wednesday, November 12, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 12

Today I am thankful for these two most precious blessings in my life, my nieces Hannah and Hattie who turn 1 today!  I love these two little girls so, so much and I feel so extremely blessed to be so close to them.  I often times find myself watching them in awe.  Of course one baby is a blessing, but these two perfect little girls are just amazing.  I love how they have such different  personalities, big opinions, their big blue eyes, their sweet kisses, their funny little twin fights, Hattie's cute teeth,  and how Hannah will always climb in my lab and would sit all day if she could.  It makes my heart so happy that they are so close to Wyatt.  I could not love them more.  Happy Birthday my sweet nieces, I am so thankful for both of you! 

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