Monday, November 25, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Days 22-25

I realize I have some catching up to do.  It's not that I haven't thought about doing this daily, it's that I've been very ungrateful lately.  It's been a rough couple of days and life has just been kicking my butt.  Even though I felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders, looking back it's easy to see that there were still many blessings around me, I just wasn't looking for them at the time. 

November 22, 2013-Today I am thankful for the help of my mother-in-law, Vicki.  She has been helping us with the kids and I just don't know what we would do without her.  She has alleviated a lot of my stress by offering to help with the kids while my mom recovers and for that I am ever grateful.

November 23, 2013-Today I am thankful for a husband who leaves opening weekend hunting on Saturday night because his wife is having a breakdown.  I haven't been very nice to him lately; I take things out on him that he has nothing to do with.  He takes the brunt of my stress and it's not fair.  I was talking to him on the phone Saturday night after a rough day.  An hour later, we was home for me, reminding me that I am much more important than hunting. 

November 24, 2013-Today I am thankful for the closeness of my family.  I love our random gatherings for dinner and just sitting around enjoying each other's company.  It's not unusual for us all to get together several times each week.  I can honestly say that I don't get sick of spending time with them, they all just make me happy.  We all had dinner at my mom and dad's yesterday and I just looked around and took it all in for a while; Wyatt was napping in my mom's arms with Grace cuddled up next to them with some books, we were all watching the Packer game and playing pass the cute twins (we're all dying to hold the little peanuts any chance we get!)  Doug and Sarah were on the couch, each one with one of their precious babies, and watching them look at their girls with such love is just perfection.  I couldn't possibly love them all more! 

November 25, 2013-Today there is just SO much to be thankful for.  I am thankful for the steady hands of the surgeon who performed my mom's surgery today.  I am thankful for the wonderful news they reported after the surgery; the cancer that once lined the chest cavity is greatly improved since her 1st surgery just over a year ago.  I am thankful for renewed hope and encouragement for my mom and our family.  I am thankful that the chemo that has been hard on her at times is doing what it's supposed to. I am thankful for all the people all over the country who are praying for my mom.  I am thankful that my mom should be home to celebrate Thanksgiving!  Today was a good day, the best in a long time:)

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