Wednesday, November 27, 2013

30 days of Thanks-Day 27

November 27, 2013-  Today I am thankful for Dave's Grandma,  "Grandma Great."  Today she celebrates her birthday in heaven.  I am so thankful I was fortunate enough to have her as part of my life.  We miss her so much everyday.  She and Dave were so close and before I ever met her I was talking to her on the phone and she told me because he loved me, she did too.  She mailed a ring to Dave in WY so he could propose to me.  I'm so thankful Madi has memories of her; Madi got to have a sleepover with her not long before she passed away .  Grace was too young to remember the short time she got to spend with her but Grace will always carry a part of Grandma Great with her in her name, our little Grace Lori Reed.  She would've loved out sweet Wyatt but we know she's watching over all of us.  I miss our dinners together and being able to walk down the street to see her and Grandpa.  She would always bring us diapers or a bag of groceries.  Before they would go to AZ for the winter she would bring us tons of groceries that were going to "go bad" before they got home.  We're quite certain she would go to the store and just buy a bunch of extra stuff just so she could bring it to us:)  Happy Birthday in heaven Grandma, we love you so much!

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