Friday, November 8, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 8

November 8, 2013-Today I am thankful for my baby sister on her 21st birthday!  I remember the day my mom and dad told my brother and I that we were going to have a baby brother or sister very vividly as well as the day she was born.  Doug and I had gone into their room on a weekend morning to try and get them to get up like we often did (my children are paying me back for this now so...I apologize mom and dad;)  They showed us an ultrasound picture and asked if we knew what it was.  We were so excited.  I remember going to Wal-Mart with my dad and I got to buy her a little pair of white shoes.  The day she was born we had gone swimming with some family friends.  They went to take us home and mom and dad were gone; of course this was before the time of cell phones!  We drove out to the hospital and saw our car in the parking lot so our friends took us back to their house for the evening.  Dad called a while later and told us our baby sister was here then came and got us later that night.  I was as excited, at just one month shy of being 10 years old, to have a baby sister as I am today, just one month shy of being 31 years old.  She has grown into a beautiful woman and is talented beyond belief.  She is a wonderful auntie to our kids and a great Godmother to Wyatt.  Though we miss her here at home, I am thankful she is off getting a wonderful college education.  I am thankful she has found her future hubby and wish them many years of happiness.  Happy Birthday baby sister, I love you dearly!

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