Monday, November 18, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 18

November 18, 2013-Today I am thankful for cousins.  I am thankful my kids and their cousins are all very close in age and will grow up playing together and loving each other. On Dave's side of the family there has been one baby born each year since 2009 (and then Madi way back in 2006:) and now on my side of the family, 3 babies in one year! I am thankful that Wyatt and sweet Hannah and Hattie are just 4 1/2 months apart and will see each other almost daily.  I have fond memories of playing with my cousins when I was very young and then seeing them usually once per year after we moved away.  Of course we always enjoyed the time we did have together, but I can imagine how close we would've been had we lived by them as my kids and their cousins do. 

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