Sunday, November 3, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Days 1-3

November 1, 2013- Today, and everyday of course, I am thankful for God and my Catholic faith.  Throughout the last year or so, there have been times when I have felt "mad" at God and wondered why he put my mom and our family through all of this.  There have been weeks that it has been difficult to sit through church because you just feel like giving up on it...if this is what going to church every week and trying your best to be a good person gets you, then why bother?   Though all of these things have crossed my mind, I can't imagine going on this journey without my faith in God.  I will never understand the 'why' of all of this but if my mom can keep her faith through it all then I know I can as well.  I am thankful that God never gives up on me and I trust that he will take care of our family. 

November 2, 2013-Today I am thankful for my husband.  I know I drive him crazy most days but he loves me unconditionally.  We make a good team and our personalities balance our relationship out well.  It hasn't always been easy and we have been through some pretty tough times together but we know God put us both in Wyoming 10 years ago for a reason.  He works hard for our family and is a great dad to our kids.  I love you Mr. Reed! 
November 3, 2013-Today I am thankful for Madisyn Kaci Reed. She is a beautiful girl, both inside and out and is so amazingly smart.  She has such a kind spirit that makes me so very proud of her.  She doesn't see that kids are "different" and always makes sure to include kids who are being left out.  She is an amazing big sister and is so helpful to me, I don't know what I would do without her.  I am so thankful God choose to make me her mom. 

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