Friday, November 29, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 29

November 29, 2013-Today I am thankful for the kindness of strangers.  I took the kids out to eat at Dairy Queen for lunch today since daddy is gone hunting.  We had gotten our food and the girls were eating away, being very good.  There was a couple sitting behind us and they kept watching the kids and smiling at them (which is not uncommon, since they are all just so darn cute!).  They got up and were ready to leave when the gentleman came over and took $2 out of his wallet and handed one to each of the girls.  He told me they were beautiful and told them that the dollar was for being so good for their mommy.  It just made my day.  Wyatt promptly started to cry after the man left and the girls said he was mad because he didn't get any money:)  So, today I am so very thankful for the kindness of the couple in Dairy Queen; thank you for reminding me that I must be doing something right as a mom.

Here's my little butterball, he is 5 months old today!  Where does the time go???  I just adore this little guy!

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