Saturday, November 30, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 30

November 30, 2013-Today I am thankful for the help of my sister.  Wyatt was SUPER fussy today and cried a good part of the day.  Nothing could make the poor little guy happy which is very unlike him.  I was planning on going to meet her for church at 4:00 but ended up texting her and telling her we weren't going to make it and would have to try in the morning instead.  She told me she'd be over in a few minutes and would do her best to make little man smile.  She came over and gave me a break from a crying boy then took the girls to McDonalds for dinner and brought me chinese for dinner.  I miss her so much when she's at school; it was really nice hanging out with her today.  I am also thankful that I decided to take part in this 30 days of thanks.  I was going through a pretty rough patch, with everything happening with my mom, and I had forgotten that I still had so many things to be thankful for.  I'm ashamed that I was feeling so bad for myself.  I have so much to be thankful for and even on bad days, I can, and should, always find something.

 I can't believe December starts tomorrow and our Elf on the Shelf, Jolly, will be back too!  The girls can hardly wait.  Should be fun to see what he has in store this year;)  I had a goal this year to be completely done with Christmas shopping, cards, etc. by December 1st so I could focus on the true meaning of the season and try to teach the kids to do the same.  We have been coming up with ideas for 'Random Acts of Kindness' to complete throughout the month of December so we will be sharing some of the things we do here.  Madi has enjoyed coming up with some of the random acts we want to do and I think she and Grace will really enjoy actually doing them.  More to come later!

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