Thursday, November 21, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 21

November 21, 2013-Today I am thankful for the opportunity I have been given to be able to stay home with my kids.  I will be finishing out 2013 at the bank and will be full-time Mommy in 2014!  We know this is what's best for our family for now and I look forward to this new chapter in our lives.  I will also be taking care of my two beautiful new little nieces when their mommy goes back to work.  I know I am going to have my work cut out for me but we have been so very fortunate that our kids have never had to go to daycare and I couldn't stand the thought of sweet Hannah and Hattie having to.  I gave my notice at work today and it's a huge weight off of my shoulders and one less thing to worry about for now.  My boss assured me that I would always have a place there is I ever decide I'd like to come back.  Let the countdown begin!

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