Saturday, November 30, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 30

November 30, 2013-Today I am thankful for the help of my sister.  Wyatt was SUPER fussy today and cried a good part of the day.  Nothing could make the poor little guy happy which is very unlike him.  I was planning on going to meet her for church at 4:00 but ended up texting her and telling her we weren't going to make it and would have to try in the morning instead.  She told me she'd be over in a few minutes and would do her best to make little man smile.  She came over and gave me a break from a crying boy then took the girls to McDonalds for dinner and brought me chinese for dinner.  I miss her so much when she's at school; it was really nice hanging out with her today.  I am also thankful that I decided to take part in this 30 days of thanks.  I was going through a pretty rough patch, with everything happening with my mom, and I had forgotten that I still had so many things to be thankful for.  I'm ashamed that I was feeling so bad for myself.  I have so much to be thankful for and even on bad days, I can, and should, always find something.

 I can't believe December starts tomorrow and our Elf on the Shelf, Jolly, will be back too!  The girls can hardly wait.  Should be fun to see what he has in store this year;)  I had a goal this year to be completely done with Christmas shopping, cards, etc. by December 1st so I could focus on the true meaning of the season and try to teach the kids to do the same.  We have been coming up with ideas for 'Random Acts of Kindness' to complete throughout the month of December so we will be sharing some of the things we do here.  Madi has enjoyed coming up with some of the random acts we want to do and I think she and Grace will really enjoy actually doing them.  More to come later!

Friday, November 29, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 29

November 29, 2013-Today I am thankful for the kindness of strangers.  I took the kids out to eat at Dairy Queen for lunch today since daddy is gone hunting.  We had gotten our food and the girls were eating away, being very good.  There was a couple sitting behind us and they kept watching the kids and smiling at them (which is not uncommon, since they are all just so darn cute!).  They got up and were ready to leave when the gentleman came over and took $2 out of his wallet and handed one to each of the girls.  He told me they were beautiful and told them that the dollar was for being so good for their mommy.  It just made my day.  Wyatt promptly started to cry after the man left and the girls said he was mad because he didn't get any money:)  So, today I am so very thankful for the kindness of the couple in Dairy Queen; thank you for reminding me that I must be doing something right as a mom.

Here's my little butterball, he is 5 months old today!  Where does the time go???  I just adore this little guy!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 28

November 28, 2013-Today I am thankful for a wonderful Thanksgiving day spent with wonderful people.  We missed my mom so very much but did stop for a visit this evening and sent home lots of yummy food for her.  I know that she needed to stay home this year so that we can have her here for many Thanksgiving celebrations to come.  I am thankful for a day spent with my wonderful husband, awesome kids, brother, sister-in-law, sister, brother-in-law-to-be, my beautiful nieces, my sister-in-law's parents and parts of the day with dad and mom.  We are very blessed.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

30 days of Thanks-Day 27

November 27, 2013-  Today I am thankful for Dave's Grandma,  "Grandma Great."  Today she celebrates her birthday in heaven.  I am so thankful I was fortunate enough to have her as part of my life.  We miss her so much everyday.  She and Dave were so close and before I ever met her I was talking to her on the phone and she told me because he loved me, she did too.  She mailed a ring to Dave in WY so he could propose to me.  I'm so thankful Madi has memories of her; Madi got to have a sleepover with her not long before she passed away .  Grace was too young to remember the short time she got to spend with her but Grace will always carry a part of Grandma Great with her in her name, our little Grace Lori Reed.  She would've loved out sweet Wyatt but we know she's watching over all of us.  I miss our dinners together and being able to walk down the street to see her and Grandpa.  She would always bring us diapers or a bag of groceries.  Before they would go to AZ for the winter she would bring us tons of groceries that were going to "go bad" before they got home.  We're quite certain she would go to the store and just buy a bunch of extra stuff just so she could bring it to us:)  Happy Birthday in heaven Grandma, we love you so much!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 26

November 26, 2013-Today I am thankful that my baby sister made it home safe and sound from college!  Wyatt just kept giggling at her when she got home and giving her the biggest grins.  I love that we are all going to be together for Thanksgiving; we are ready for many more happy times together and we need to celebrate every chance we are given. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Days 22-25

I realize I have some catching up to do.  It's not that I haven't thought about doing this daily, it's that I've been very ungrateful lately.  It's been a rough couple of days and life has just been kicking my butt.  Even though I felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders, looking back it's easy to see that there were still many blessings around me, I just wasn't looking for them at the time. 

November 22, 2013-Today I am thankful for the help of my mother-in-law, Vicki.  She has been helping us with the kids and I just don't know what we would do without her.  She has alleviated a lot of my stress by offering to help with the kids while my mom recovers and for that I am ever grateful.

November 23, 2013-Today I am thankful for a husband who leaves opening weekend hunting on Saturday night because his wife is having a breakdown.  I haven't been very nice to him lately; I take things out on him that he has nothing to do with.  He takes the brunt of my stress and it's not fair.  I was talking to him on the phone Saturday night after a rough day.  An hour later, we was home for me, reminding me that I am much more important than hunting. 

November 24, 2013-Today I am thankful for the closeness of my family.  I love our random gatherings for dinner and just sitting around enjoying each other's company.  It's not unusual for us all to get together several times each week.  I can honestly say that I don't get sick of spending time with them, they all just make me happy.  We all had dinner at my mom and dad's yesterday and I just looked around and took it all in for a while; Wyatt was napping in my mom's arms with Grace cuddled up next to them with some books, we were all watching the Packer game and playing pass the cute twins (we're all dying to hold the little peanuts any chance we get!)  Doug and Sarah were on the couch, each one with one of their precious babies, and watching them look at their girls with such love is just perfection.  I couldn't possibly love them all more! 

November 25, 2013-Today there is just SO much to be thankful for.  I am thankful for the steady hands of the surgeon who performed my mom's surgery today.  I am thankful for the wonderful news they reported after the surgery; the cancer that once lined the chest cavity is greatly improved since her 1st surgery just over a year ago.  I am thankful for renewed hope and encouragement for my mom and our family.  I am thankful that the chemo that has been hard on her at times is doing what it's supposed to. I am thankful for all the people all over the country who are praying for my mom.  I am thankful that my mom should be home to celebrate Thanksgiving!  Today was a good day, the best in a long time:)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 21

November 21, 2013-Today I am thankful for the opportunity I have been given to be able to stay home with my kids.  I will be finishing out 2013 at the bank and will be full-time Mommy in 2014!  We know this is what's best for our family for now and I look forward to this new chapter in our lives.  I will also be taking care of my two beautiful new little nieces when their mommy goes back to work.  I know I am going to have my work cut out for me but we have been so very fortunate that our kids have never had to go to daycare and I couldn't stand the thought of sweet Hannah and Hattie having to.  I gave my notice at work today and it's a huge weight off of my shoulders and one less thing to worry about for now.  My boss assured me that I would always have a place there is I ever decide I'd like to come back.  Let the countdown begin!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day20

November 20, 2013-Today I am thankful for good results from my mom's latest scan.  Although there are still obstacles to overcome, there is definitely good news (you can check Caring Bridge for updates, )  Scan result days are hell, plain and simple.  I know the extreme emotions I feel so I can only imagine what it's like for my mom.  I feel physically sick until I know the results, it's all I can think about and I find myself pleading with God numerous times throughout the day asking Him to please take care of my mom.  So today, I am so very thankful that God has taken care of my wonderful mom and that another scan result day is over. 

I have to include this picture today...Grace got this new "twin" jogging stroller on Monday.  Of course her first thought was that since it was a twin stroller it would only be fitting that her new twin cousins should have a ride in it.  She had strict instructions from Grandma and Grandpa that the stroller was not for real babies and only for her dolls.  It was probably against my better judgment but this morning we had to give Wyatt a ride in it.  As you can tell, it wasn't really his favorite:)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 19

November 19, 2013-Today I am thankful for Dave's determination and hard work he is putting into losing weight.  Of course I love him no matter how big or small he is, but I want, and need, him here with me and the kids for many more years to come.  Since he started in September, he has lost over 40 pounds.  Tonight he was holding Grace and he came up to me and said, "here, hold her for a minute."  I took her and he said, "that's how much weight I've lost."  It's crazy when you put it into perspective like that.  So proud of him!

Monday, November 18, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 18

November 18, 2013-Today I am thankful for cousins.  I am thankful my kids and their cousins are all very close in age and will grow up playing together and loving each other. On Dave's side of the family there has been one baby born each year since 2009 (and then Madi way back in 2006:) and now on my side of the family, 3 babies in one year! I am thankful that Wyatt and sweet Hannah and Hattie are just 4 1/2 months apart and will see each other almost daily.  I have fond memories of playing with my cousins when I was very young and then seeing them usually once per year after we moved away.  Of course we always enjoyed the time we did have together, but I can imagine how close we would've been had we lived by them as my kids and their cousins do. 

The true spirit of the season.....or not

The girls have these mini muffins that they LOVE to have for breakfast.  I don't buy them often because when we do have them, it's the only thing they ever want to eat!  This morning Grace said she wanted the muffins for breakfast.  I knew there was only one pack left so I told her she and Madi would have to share it and have some fruit to go along with their muffins.  Grace turned on some fake crying pretty quickly and went into their room and told Madi, "mommy said we have to share the muffins and I feel sad because I don't like to share with you."  At least she's honest!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Days 15, 16, and 17

November 15, 2013-Today I am thankful for early Christmas celebrations and surprising those you love.  We celebrated Christmas with Dave's family this weekend.  We had a very nice time and as always, it was great to let the kids play.  We (along with Dave's brother's family) bought his parent's a paddle boat.  We brought it up on a snowmobile trailer and after we went in and got settled, Dave snuck outside to put a bow on it and he and his brother pulled it up to the house.  They came in and said that Santa had come early.  A couple of the kids got pretty nervous at this but we assured them it was just Daddy/Uncle Paul playing Santa with Grandpa & Grandma's present.  I think we surprised them good even though Grace told us a couple weeks ago that she had told Grandma what we got them; luckily sometimes Grace is a little hard to understand and Grandma assured us Grace hadn't spilled the beans to her:) 

November 16, 2013-Today I am thankful for those who see the good and cuteness in kids who are a little naughty in church.  Our kids were less than perfect in church on Saturday afternoon and mommy may have been a little frazzled; Madi was upset about her itchy dress, Grace was exhausted and could not sit still to save herself, and Wyatt was just an unhappy guy that night.  I was having one of those days when it was hard for me to sit in church anyway so my emotions were running high to begin with.  At the end of Mass, the priest commented that it sounded like there were lots of children in church; the funny part was that I think our 3 kids and Dave's brother's 3 kids were close to the only ones in church and my 3 were the ones making the noise:)   On the way out though, two ladies stopped and told me how pretty the girls looked and one kind gentleman who was a row behind us patted my hand and said, "We only raised 8 of them like that."  I told him I wasn't quite sure how he did it because 3 were a handful sometimes and he said, "I know."  So all the while I was afraid my kids were driving everyone in church crazy and in reality, it was just me they were driving crazy:) 

November 17, 2013-Today I am thankful for my kids' belly laughs.  Tonight Madi and Grace were playing and Madi was holding Grace upside down.  I know it wasn't the safest thing for them to be doing and I told them to stop, but I couldn't help but giggle listening to them both just laugh and laugh.  Grace was having so much fun that she was belly laughing so hard.  Wyatt also started belly laughing recently and it is the cutest thing ever.  Sometimes when I'm nursing him he'll look up at me and give a belly laugh and it just melts my heart; hopefully he's not thinking, "boy is that mommy funny looking." 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 14

November 14, 2013-Today I am thankful our jobs. Although they drive me crazy sometimes, they provide for us and the kids. Of course I look forward to the day when I get to be home with the kids but I do enjoy my job and the people I have come to know through it and really, who wouldn't like to play with money all day:) I'm thankful that Dave love's what he does, he is a great salesman. The job I am most thankful for though, is being a mommy:)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 13

November 13, 2013-Today I am thankful for happy, healthy kids.  One of my most favorite things to do is to listen to Madi and Grace playing when they don't know I'm listening.  Tonight we overheard Madi tell Grace that she had to be careful of the dangerous waterfall (in the shower). They have the best imaginations.  I am thankful that they know how much they are loved and that they are confident.  I am thankful all the kids are healthy.  All three of them are such well rounded kids and I am so proud of all of them. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 12

November 12, 2013-Today I am thankful for these two little pieces of heaven that joined our family early this morning.  The only way I could love these two more is if they were my own:)  They are absolutely beautiful!  Welcome to this big world Hannah Catherine & Hattie Cynthia, you are loved beyond measure!
 The girls holding the girls:) Madi & Hattie and Gracie & Hannah.
 Madi & Hannah
 Happy Grandpa & Grandma with Hattie
 Proud Daddy with Hannah
 Grandpa & Grandma Hoverson with all the "Grands."  They went from 2 to 5 within 5 months!  So very blessed!
 Grace and Hannah; Grace was singing her, "You are my sunshine."
 Uncle Dave and Hattie; she is so tiny compared to his big hands!
Uncle Dave and the twinnies
 Me and my nieces!

Monday, November 11, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 11

November 11, 2013-Today I am thankful for doctors, nurses, and all those who work in the medical field.  I am forever grateful to all the wonderful people who care for my mom each week.  Not only are they good at what they do, they are kind and compassionate.  I am also very thankful for the dr. that will deliver my two sweet nieces tonight/tomorrow.  Please get them here safe and sound so auntie can snuggle them:) 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 10

November 10, 2013-Today I am thankful for not having to set my alarm tonight.  I am off work and Madi is off of school and though it may sound silly, I am soooo looking forward to not having to get up tomorrow.  My alarm goes off at 5:00 or 5:30 during the week and 6:30 on Saturdays when I have to work and it's not often that Madi and I have the same days off.  I am thankful to have an extra day tomorrow to spend with my kids and, with any luck, a morning to sleep in a bit;)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 9

November 9, 2013-Today I am thankful for our warm and cozy home.  The wind is whipping outside and we are having a lazy afternoon inside.  I am thankful that Dave talked me into our home 5 years ago.  Of course I loved the house, but being the logical one who writes the bills each month, I wasn't sure that we could handle it.  We have been very blessed our first 5 years here and we look forward to raising our kids here for years to come. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 8

November 8, 2013-Today I am thankful for my baby sister on her 21st birthday!  I remember the day my mom and dad told my brother and I that we were going to have a baby brother or sister very vividly as well as the day she was born.  Doug and I had gone into their room on a weekend morning to try and get them to get up like we often did (my children are paying me back for this now so...I apologize mom and dad;)  They showed us an ultrasound picture and asked if we knew what it was.  We were so excited.  I remember going to Wal-Mart with my dad and I got to buy her a little pair of white shoes.  The day she was born we had gone swimming with some family friends.  They went to take us home and mom and dad were gone; of course this was before the time of cell phones!  We drove out to the hospital and saw our car in the parking lot so our friends took us back to their house for the evening.  Dad called a while later and told us our baby sister was here then came and got us later that night.  I was as excited, at just one month shy of being 10 years old, to have a baby sister as I am today, just one month shy of being 31 years old.  She has grown into a beautiful woman and is talented beyond belief.  She is a wonderful auntie to our kids and a great Godmother to Wyatt.  Though we miss her here at home, I am thankful she is off getting a wonderful college education.  I am thankful she has found her future hubby and wish them many years of happiness.  Happy Birthday baby sister, I love you dearly!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

30 Daysof Thanks-Day 7

November 7, 2013-Today I am thankful for my brother.  Of course we had our differences when we were younger but now he is one of my best friends.  Maybe it was the horrible punishment my parents used to give us when we were fighting; we had to sit on the couch and hold hands and it was pure torture to both of us.  There is so much comfort in knowing he is just a few blocks and/or a phone call away.  He has helped us out more times than I can count.  I am so thankful that we have been able to either be there together or take turns being at different appointments with mom.  I love that he and Dave are such good friends.  I love that when we talk on the phone we say, "love ya" before we hang up.  I am thankful that he is Grace & Wyatt's Godfather.  I am so thankful that he moved to Green Bay and had the opportunity to meet Sarah; I couldn't ask for a better sister-in-law, she is the perfect addition to our family.  I hope that my kids will always have the support of each other as I do from my brother (and sister-in-law and sister, but more on that tomorrow:)  He is going to be such a good daddy to his twins. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 6

November 6, 2013-Today I am thankful for my parents.  They are the truest example of what love and marriage are all about.  To say the last year has been hard for them would be an understatement, but they remain positive and keep a sense of humor through it all.  I am so incredibly proud to be their daughter and so very grateful that we are able to see them most days.  Not many parents will pick up and move close to 1000 miles to be able to be close to their kids and grandkids.  I am thankful that my mom was always home with us when we were young and that my dad has always had a very good job that provided for all of us and allowed mom to be home with us.  I'm thankful for the college education they gave me.  I am thankful that my kids have gotten to develop such wonderful relationships with the both of them, it truly fills my heart with joy watching them.  I am thankful for all the wonderful memories I have from childhood to now with them.  I could go on and on but I could never really put into words what they both mean to me.  Like my mom always tells the kids, I love them to the moon and back, moon and back, moon and back again:)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 5

November 5, 2013-Today I am thankful for Wyatt John Reed.  This little boy fills a space in my heart that I didn't know was there.  I just wish I could stop the clock with him; he is a complete joy to our family.  I love watching him discover something new everyday or make one of his new noises.  His sweet little face just melts my heart.  Although he is only 4 months old, he has touched our lives is so many ways.  I love my little man with all my heart. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Day 4

November 4, 2013-Today I am thankful for Grace Lori Reed.  Grace is the perfect combination of sweetness, humor, caring, and a little naughtiness all rolled into one to make a perfect little girl.  She lives each day to it's fullest, never worrying about what's next, she just lives in the moment.  She is my child who would give you the last bite from her plate even if it was her most favorite treat in the world.  She has the most beautiful eyes and looong eyelashes that make it impossible to be mad at her.  She can always bring a smile to your face and heart, even on tough days.  I am so thankful this little ball of fire is mine:)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

30 Days of Thanks-Days 1-3

November 1, 2013- Today, and everyday of course, I am thankful for God and my Catholic faith.  Throughout the last year or so, there have been times when I have felt "mad" at God and wondered why he put my mom and our family through all of this.  There have been weeks that it has been difficult to sit through church because you just feel like giving up on it...if this is what going to church every week and trying your best to be a good person gets you, then why bother?   Though all of these things have crossed my mind, I can't imagine going on this journey without my faith in God.  I will never understand the 'why' of all of this but if my mom can keep her faith through it all then I know I can as well.  I am thankful that God never gives up on me and I trust that he will take care of our family. 

November 2, 2013-Today I am thankful for my husband.  I know I drive him crazy most days but he loves me unconditionally.  We make a good team and our personalities balance our relationship out well.  It hasn't always been easy and we have been through some pretty tough times together but we know God put us both in Wyoming 10 years ago for a reason.  He works hard for our family and is a great dad to our kids.  I love you Mr. Reed! 
November 3, 2013-Today I am thankful for Madisyn Kaci Reed. She is a beautiful girl, both inside and out and is so amazingly smart.  She has such a kind spirit that makes me so very proud of her.  She doesn't see that kids are "different" and always makes sure to include kids who are being left out.  She is an amazing big sister and is so helpful to me, I don't know what I would do without her.  I am so thankful God choose to make me her mom.