Sunday, November 30, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 30

Today I am thankful to have Dave and the girls home with us after their stay with Dave's parents.  As much as I loved my time with Wyatt, I missed them all so much; our home is meant to be filled with 3 precious blessings.  I am thankful for getting to go to a craft show this morning with my mom and sister (and Wy of course).  I am thankful my mom and dad have a new home to go to and can close before they have to be out of their current home.  I am thankful my dad can come home from work a couple days early next week and that he will be home for Grace's birthday party.  There really is just so much to be thankful for everyday. 

This month just flew by again and tomorrow is December!!! Tonight our Elf on the Shelf, Jolly, returns!  We are very excited; I'm sure he has some fun things up his sleeve:)  December is my favorite month of the year and this year I'm especially excited because I have things pretty well done as far as shopping, gifts, wrapping, etc.  and we are going to focus on the true meaning of Christmas.  We plan on doing a random act of kindness each day until Christmas (some not so random:).  We have our calendar filled up with something each day and have everything we need gathered for this first week!  The girls are both very kindhearted to begin with, but I want them to experience firsthand how good doing things for others, and expecting nothing in return, can feel.  I hope they are as excited as I am.  It truly is far better to give than to receive. 

Saturday, November 29, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 29

Today I am thankful for a surprise phone call from one of my best friends in Wyoming.  We don't talk often, but when we do it's like we can pick right back up where we left off.  I miss her so much and her phone call really made my day.  Thanks Erika! 

Friday, November 28, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 28

Today I am thankful for my time with this sweet, sweet, boy.  It's not often, if ever, that Wyatt and I have one-on-one time.  Grace wasn't in school last year and we started watching the twins when he was 8 months old so it's never just him and I.  I wasn't sure how he'd react to not having his sisters around but he doesn't seem to be minding too much.  I had such a good day with him, lots of cuddling which doesn't happen with my busy little boy very often.  Last night he fell asleep laying across my lap and today he just climbed up in my lap and sat every chance he got.  It would be impossible to put into words how much I love this little man. 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 27

Today I am thankful for our Thanksgiving/early Christmas celebration with Dave's family, and especially that his sister was able to join us.  We had a nice day filled with lots of yummy food, wonderful gifts, and cousins playing.  Dave and the girls are staying at his parent's house for the next few days; while Dave hunts the girls will have some time with Grandma before they leave for AZ next week.  I'm missing them already; it's so quiet without them.  Wyatt seemed to enjoy having mommy to himself tonight though and fell asleep on my lap:)  Here are just a few pictures from our day; sometimes I get sick of watching everything through the camera lens and just want to watch and enjoy. 
 Pretty tree at Grandma & Grandpa's house
 Our Godsons, Carter and Jack
 The girls waiting ever so patiently to open their presents
 O.M.G. American Girl dolls mom!
Madi was soooo excited!
 They even got a place to hang all their clothes!
 We got Carter this Ninja Turtle bath shaving set and he loved it. 
He had to shave after we were done opening gifts:)
 Wyatt wanted to try it out too. 
 Grandpa modeling his new Packer's jacket; perfect fit!
Grandpa & Grandma with their blanket:)  I think they liked it:)

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 26

Today I am thankful for Grace sitting on the couch this morning singing loudly, "I didn't care, I love it," over and over again. She is such a happy little girl.  I once saw a quote that said, "A child who sings is a happy child." It makes me happy to think about that quote whenever I hear them singing away; both of the girls sing all the time:).

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 25

Today I am thankful that my mom and dad got a verbal acceptance of the offer they put in on the house yesterday and a tentative closing date of December 12th!  Nothing in writing yet, but we're praying that everything will workout and they can be "home" for Christmas! 

Monday, November 24, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 24

Today I am thankful for the excitement of my mom and dad towards the home the put an offer on today.  I could tell that my mom's heart wasn't in the other home they have an offer out on or the others that they've looked at. Today I heard the excitement in both of their voices as they explained the house to us and how they wished we all could've been there to see it with them.  It made me happy.  It's been a stressful time; not only them getting their home ready to sell, but looking for other homes and not having much luck and then having their house sell quickly and not knowing where home was going to be, all while my dad is only home every two weeks.  To hear them both so excited and hopeful leaves me feeling thankful beyond measure.  Now for some prayers that their offer will be accepted and they can close quickly and have the home before December 19th. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 23

Today I am thankful to have my hubby home and just for a good day overall.  Madi sang at mass this morning and my mom and dad came and took her to church for me (she has to be there 45 minutes early) so Wyatt and Grace wouldn't have to sit any longer than necessary.....sometimes an hour is pushing it!  Her little choir did a beautiful job as always.  After church we went and had lunch with my mom and dad and then had a quiet afternoon at home until daddy came home from hunting and gave all the kids baths.  I know I give Dave a hard time sometimes but I really do miss him when he's gone and I really do notice how much help he is to me everyday.  I don't know how parents who have to do it alone manage sometimes.  I have the upmost respect for them.  So, I am thankful for a wonderful Sunday and thankful to have my partner back; we make a pretty good team:)

Kid Logic

Grace is relentlessly trying to get Madi to play dollhouse with her this morning.  Often times when they each want different things, we will "pick a number."  The one with the number closest to the one Dave or I pick, wins.  It seems to workout better than just telling them that they have to go with what the other wants:)  So...Grace, trying to get Madi to play, says to Madi, "lets pick a number."  Madi says, "3,"  and Grace says, "it was 1!  Ha, ha, I win."  I see a small hole in their theory but surprisingly Madi didn't catch it; I guess she stayed up too late last night and isn't completely functioning yet:) 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 22

I am thankful for the time I got to spend with this beautiful girl today.  Grace had a playdate at a friend's house and even though Wyatt was with us, I think she was just happy not to have little sister along:)  After we dropped Grace off we stopped at the coffee shop and Madi got a smoothie and I got a coffee.  We went to a few stores, out to lunch, got her a scoop of ice cream, and she made a special ice cream delivery to Grandma & Grandpa before we went to get Grace.  Wy and Grace are in bed now and we're just hanging out; watching Hannah Montana:) 
She's such a good girl and such a blessing in our family. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 20 &21

Day 20-Today I am thankful that hunting season is upon us which means hubby will be shaving soon!  He keeps telling me how many compliments he gets on his beard and I tell him, "none of them have to kiss you."
Day 21-Today I am thankful we were able to help out Dave's cousin and his wife and watch their little guy for a while today.  Little Nolan LOVED Gracie and followed her around and even colored a picture for her.  He has such good manners for a little guy and talks sooo well.  Whenever he wanted to get my attention he would say, "hey mama, hey mama."  Grace showed him a picture of Dave and asked if he knew who it was and he said, "Papa John,"  (his Grandpa, lol).  Pretty cool that the kids got to play with their 3rd cousin.  He and Wyatt also share a middle name, John, after their great-grandpa (and for Nolan, his dad and grandpa too). 
 Grace was showing him her games on the iPad which he thought was super cool!
Nolan and Gracie enjoying their lunch.  I asked him if he liked grilled cheese and he excitedly said, "yes."  I asked what we should have with it and he recommended an apple which we thought was perfect!

Here are a couple more pictures of the sweet little faces I get to spend my day with. 
 Love them all so much!
 Hatters:)  These girls seriously couldn't be more beautiful!
 He was mad at mama:)  He climbs on EVERYTHING and hates that I try to keep him from cracking his head open.  Worst.  Mom.  Ever. 
Hannah going for an afternoon motorcycle cruise!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 18 & 19

Day 18-Today I am thankful for the blessing of being able to stay home with my kids.  To be honest, there are days when I miss my job; I loved the work I did at the bank, the people I worked with, and getting to know people in our small community.  Then I think about the stress of not knowing who was going to take care of the kids (especially at times right after my mom got sick; I went into panic mode and looked into daycares and talked to in-home providers that I knew of and thought I would immediately have to quit my job).  By some miracle, a TON of help, and a lot of strength from my mom on days I'm sure she didn't want to babysit, we made it through just over a year of me continuing to work.  It wouldn't have been a big deal, but at the time I carried our medical insurance and with losing one baby and soon after getting pregnant with Wyatt, it was something we absolutely couldn't be without.  I don't have to worry about missing work if my kids are sick because I'm here with them.  I don't have to try and figure out how to make it to concerts, conferences, etc. based on my work schedule.  I am so thankful for Dave's hard work that allows me to do all these things without stress. 

Day 19-Today I am thankful for the sweet sound of baby giggles that filled my house today and the cute little "roars" that they learned.  I was crawling after the Wyatt, Hannah, and Hattie today "roaring" at them and telling them, "I'm gonna get you!"  Their little belly laughs might be the best sound ever.  A while after we had played, Wyatt came up to Hannah, and she made the cutest little roaring noise ever and then giggled.  I just love them all so much.

Monday, November 17, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 16 & 17

Day 16-Today I am thankful for Sunday dinners at my mom and dad's house.  I love my family more than I could ever put into words.  Some of my favorite times with them are Sunday afternoons.  We all get together to eat lunch and then just sit around (well, there's not a lot of sitting going on these days with 3 mobile little ones:) and talk, read the paper,  or watch football or a movie.  I love that we all help with all the kids and just enjoy each other's company.  It makes me a little sad to think it may have been one of our last Sunday dinners at my mom and dad's house, but we know the tradition will always continue wherever home may be (fingers crossed and prayers for their new home to be out my kitchen window!) It's even better when Kaci & Brian are home and yesterday was very special because we even got to add my Aunt Laurel into the mix. 

Day 17-Today I am thankful for the beautiful service for my sister-in-law, Sarah's, grandpa who passed away on Friday.  He was such a sweet man and we are blessed to have known him.  We know he has been happily reunited with his wife though.  Sarah's uncle had a wonderful message today and I've heard this before but it's always worth sharing again. 

10 things God won't ask you when you enter Heaven. 
  1. God won't ask what kind of car you drove. He'll ask how many people you drove because they didn't have transportation.
  2. God won't ask the square footage of your house. He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.
  3. God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet. He'll ask how many you helped to clothe.
  4. God won't ask the amount of your highest salary. He'll ask if you compromised your character in order to receive it. .
  5. God won't ask for your job title. He'll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.
  6. God won't ask how many friends you had. He'll ask how many you befriended.
  7. God won't ask about the neighborhood in which you lived. He'll ask how you treated your neighbors.
  8. God won't ask about the color of your skin. He'll ask about the content of your character.
  9. God won't ask why it took you so long to seek salvation. He'll be proud that you chose to follow in His footsteps.
  10. God won't have to ask how many people you told about Jesus. He already knows whether or not you shared His good news of salvation.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 14 & 15

Day 14-Today I am thankful for wonderful teacher conferences for both our girls last night.  Of course I am proud of them when I hear they are doing well with their school work, but I am most proud when I hear what kind girls they are and that they always include and help other kids.  I would rather my kids have a kind heart over all the book smarts in the world any day.  So what if Grace doesn't have all her letters down yet; her teacher told us she is the little girl who is always there for the other kids and willing to play with someone if another child is not.  Madi's teacher told us she always helps out the kids who are struggling with their work.  I am so very thankful for my two kind, beautiful, smart daughters. 

Day 15-Today I am thankful for my Aunt Laurel.  She has been here to visit at least 4 times this year I think.  She has been there for all of us through my mom being sick and offered support always.  She was the first person to call me after we found out mom was sick and told me she would be here for us and help us any way she could.  She flew in yesterday to surprise Doug & Sarah at the twin's first birthday party today.  She is always taking care of, and doing so much for everyone.  There have been times when it has felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders and it's hard being so far away from the rest of our family; but I know if we needed her here she would be on a plane in a second.  She's just the best:)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 13

Today I am thankful for my mom and dad offering to take Grace to school for me so I didn't have to load and unload the 3 little ones.  It is such a treat to make one less trip out during the day; it is quite a process to get us all out the door!  They are so good to me and I love them to pieces.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 12

Today I am thankful for these two most precious blessings in my life, my nieces Hannah and Hattie who turn 1 today!  I love these two little girls so, so much and I feel so extremely blessed to be so close to them.  I often times find myself watching them in awe.  Of course one baby is a blessing, but these two perfect little girls are just amazing.  I love how they have such different  personalities, big opinions, their big blue eyes, their sweet kisses, their funny little twin fights, Hattie's cute teeth,  and how Hannah will always climb in my lab and would sit all day if she could.  It makes my heart so happy that they are so close to Wyatt.  I could not love them more.  Happy Birthday my sweet nieces, I am so thankful for both of you! 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 10 & 11

Day 10- Today I am thankful for my husband figuring out how to child proof (and by child proof I mean Wyatt proof!) my pantry door.  Wyatt was relentlessly getting into the panty over and over again everyday and trying to get candy, cereal, and worst of all, dog food!  After spending the evening alone with Wyatt, Dave understood my frustrations and figured out how to keep him out for now.  It really is the little things in life! 

Day 11-Today I am thankful that my suburban and I are ok after a run in with a deer tonight.  I have been so nervous about hitting a deer lately and tonight it happened.  He came out right into the side of my vehicle and thankfully only left a small dent, some hair, and some nice poop down the side of the car.  I frantically pulled over and called Dave who asked right away if I was alright and said he could care less about the suburban.  I went back to see if I could see the deer and didn't see it at all so Dave went back when I got home to see if he could find it and make sure it wasn't suffering.  So, tonight I am thankful to be home safe and sound with little damage to my vehicle and the best husband a girl could ask for! 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 9

Today I was feeling kind of "blah."  It was laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping day and I just felt like I couldn't ever get ahead.  I would clean something up and the kids would take even more out; I would get laundry done and more would appear in the laundry baskets.  It all left me feeling a little crabby, trying to think about that one really great thing that happened today that I was thankful for.  I realized that while there wasn't that one great thing, all these things that weren't so great stood for some pretty great things in my life that some days I obviously take for granted and don't always see as blessings.  The dirty laundry means that my family and I have clothes to keep us warm, cleaning my messy house means that I have a beautiful place to live, and grocery shopping means that I have food to feed my family.  So today I am thankful for all these things that I often take for granted. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 8

Today I am thankful for this beautiful woman I am blessed to call my sister.  She has been part of my life for 22 years today.  I love her so very, very much and am so thankful she is in my life.  I remember 22 years ago today so well; I was sooooo excited to have a baby sister and I still am to this day.  She is beautiful, smart, and talented beyond words.  Happy Birthday baby sis!

Friday, November 7, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 7

Today I am thankful for Friday and having Gracie home and playing soooo nicely with the 3 little ones.  She made them a play area and got them all their sippy cups:)  I love Fridays; not having to load and unload all the little ones in the car a couple times a day is such a treat!  Fridays are also pajama day for Grace since she doesn't have school so it's also a break from getting her ready in the mornings and Madi walks home from school so I don't have to leave the house at all!  Yay for Friday!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 6

Today I am thankful for this beautiful blessing given to one of my dearest friends.  I miss her so much and am so, so thankful that she is finally a mommy to this handsome little guy.  I am also thankful that he is doing well despite being born 6 weeks early.  God is good!  Sometimes it really stinks being so far away from your friends:(

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Days 4 &5

Day 4-Today I am thankful for driving by Madi's school while she was at recess and seeing her running and playing with her friends and screaming happily.  It makes me so happy to see her so happy. 

Day 5-Today I am thankful for the sweet kisses of my precious Goddaughter, Hannah.  I was sitting on the floor with the kids today and she kept kissing me on the shoulder and would turn away when I looked at her and giggle; it was like she was playing a game.  Then when she would look at me again, she would kiss me on the lips.  She is such a sweet, sweet girl and almost always has a kiss for me:)  I love her (and her sister of course) dearly (sister Hattie just wasn't giving out kisses freely today:)

Monday, November 3, 2014

30 Days of Thanks-Day 3: The Kissing Hand No More

Before Grace started school this fall we read the book, "The Kissing Hand."  The child in the story is scared to go to school, so the mother fills their hand with kisses for them to use throughout the day when they miss her.  So, everyday, I fill Grace's palm with kisses before she goes into school. We were dropping her off this morning and I said, "ok, let me see your hand," and she said, "I don't need kisses anymore."  It made me happy and sad at the same time; happy that she is happy at school, but sad she doesn't need her mama's kisses to get her through the day anymore:(

So, today I am thankful for well adjusted kids who like school and are happy to be there learning and playing. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

October's Final Hoorah

It's been a month filled with fun and last night was the grand finale!  Unfortunately it was cold and windy and the little ones didn't last long.  We came home with the kids and Dave and Madi headed back out and she came home with quite a bag full.  She counted it this morning and she had 120 pieces of candy!  October is such a great month so I'm sad to see it go.  November is a great month to count our blessings and give thanks which is exactly what we plan to do)  Stay tuned!
Last weekend we went to the "Creepy Crawl" event at our community park.  The girls played bingo...
 Did some trunk-or-treating and got some awesome treats!
 Wyatt looked cute as always
 We walked on the trail of pumpkins to get to the haunted woods and hay ride
 They did some arts and crafts
 This was the aftermath of the Creepy Crawl; Wyatt turned into a candy monster and afterwards!
 These were the treats the girls took their teachers for Halloween:)  Some Halloween soap and hand towel because, "germs are scary!"
 They both took these mini bags of popcorn and a small bag of goodies for their class. 
 We couldn't forget some of the helpers in Grace's class so we had to give them a treat too after all, they deal with 4 year olds all day!
 Both girls took a jello jack-o-lantern for their class parties
 We had vampire donuts for breakfast on Halloween:)  Sleepy eyed kids!
 Of course we had to try out the teeth
 Wy was pretty happy with his Halloween goodies from mom and dad
 Grace had an extra spooky Halloween lunch
 Wyatt had to use both is spoon and fork, he was a hungry boy
 Waiting for the first trick-or-treaters
 Wyatt was ready to go trick-or-treating
 Our trick-or-treating crew:)
 This is how the guys trick-or-treat, a Busch Light in hand
 Hattie was over it:)
 Dave, Doug, and Hannah
The Reed/Hoverson cousins:)