Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas from the Reeds

 At my mom and dad's house on Christmas Eve. 
 The girls wanted one of just the two of them together:)
 Hannah was much more interested in the candy cane m&m than opening any presents. 
 I have a pretty great sis-in-law and I'm so happy she liked her gift this year.  A reaction like hers is the exact reason I love gift-giving so much. 
 Papa looking at his blanket with all his kiddos on it.
 Mom and Dad opening their gift from all of us.
 Hattie wanted to help me open up my gifts. 
 Beautiful little Hannah
 Christmas morning before seeing what Santa brought!  Wy was a little sad to start the morning until he saw his presents. 
 I wish we had a better picture of Grace's reaction to this giant Barbie house, but you can see the "o" shape of her mouth:)
 Wyatt went straight for Grace's gift too...
 ...and Grace promptly removed him
 He decided his gift was pretty cool too
 Everyone happy with what Santa brought.  (Madi got headphones, an iTunes card, and some $)
 Madi is so happy with her new moccasin slippers. 
 Wyatt thought Grace's new scooter looked like something he would really enjoy. 
 Grace thought giving him a ride would be a good idea; Dave and I didn't agree. 
Grace wanted to put on all of her favorite things.  She put on her cool 'Frozen' shoes, cute hoodie from Sarah's parents, and her 'Frozen' gloves.  What a little fashionista she is!
Christmas night always makes me a little sad; sad that it's all over for another year.  It just goes too fast.  We had a very nice Christmas as we always do.  We spent Christmas Eve night with my family, opened gifts at home this morning, stopped at Grandpa and Grandma's to see what Santa had left there, and then spent the afternoon/evening with Dave's extended family at the Welter family Christmas.   It was a very good day and the kids were worn out by the end of it.  Now it's onto figuring out where to put it all!  Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Jolly Day 24 and RAK Lessons

I asked the girls to tell me what their favorite parts about our RAK were and this is what I got:)  I really feel like they enjoyed doing it and asked daily what our RAK would be.  Madi asked me one day if we could please wait to do our RAK for the day until she was done with school because she didn't want to be left out.  I am so thankful that we did these this year.  We were really able to enjoy the season instead of being rushed everyday and remember what's it's all about.  We already have plans to  do this again during the summer (not that we won't practice kindness any other times of course!), maybe instead, or in addition to, our bucket list. 

 Here are the kiddos during our special night that Jolly planned for us.  It was just priceless when our doorbell rang around 6pm and there was the pizza delivery person at our door.  She told us Jolly had sent her to bring us pizza.  I think their eyes were as big as the pizzas!  Unfortunately, Grace ended up in bed with Dave, and I on the mattress with Madi because once Madi realized Grace was in our bed she didn't want to sleep in the living room by herself.  There are remnants of popcorn scattered all over the house this morning; Dave said that's how we party around here:) 

 Jolly had one more silly stunt this morning before he leaves tonight with Santa.  Wyatt went and stood by him and said, "cheese."  This is Wyatt's "cheese" face:) 

We want to wish you all a very blessed Christmas!  We are going to church this evening and Madi is singing in the choir.  Then we'll head to my mom and dad's for our traditional taco/nacho dinner and presents! 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Jolly & RAK Day 23

 Jolly was very busy last night!  He brought everything we would need for a family fun night; popcorn, soda, candy, hot chocolate, coloring, movies, and he even said something about pizza.  He set up a blow-up mattress so the girls could have a campout in the living room too.  A little before 6:00 our doorbell rang and when the girls answered, it was the pizza delivery person.  She said that Jolly had sent her to deliver the pizza to us!  What a great surprise!

 Our RAK for today is delivering gifts to the girls' teachers.  Madi has movie/pajama day today and Grace insisted that she had to wear this beautiful dress since they are having their class party today:)

Monday, December 22, 2014

Jolly & RAK Day 22

 Jolly gave Mommy the morning off from making breakfast and brought the kids some snowmen and reindeer donuts!  He must know that Wyatt can't be trusted with glass plates yet, because thankfully he did not give him one of Mommy's pretty snowmen plates. 

Wyatt thought they were so good that he had to have one in each hand:)
For our RAK today, we are delivering a little treat to the crossing guards around Madi's school and the one at Grace's school. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Jolly & RAK Day 21

 Jolly was very literally our 'Elf on the Shelf' this morning.  We found him in Wyatt's room next to the camo snowman:)  The kids woke up to lots of balloons on their bedroom floors and had lots of fun playing in them for the morning. 

 Today my little elves delivered some gifts to a couple neighbors for our RAK.  We also dropped off a little something for a family who has been so kind and caring to my entire family in the last couple years. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Jolly & RAK Day 20 and Wyatt's First Haircut

 It was a big day for out little Wy man; he got his first hair cut! In all honesty, it was a few hairs that were hanging over his ears and driving his Daddy nuts, but nonetheless, still a haircut:)  It will probably be quite some time before he needs a full fledged haircut. 
 We did a few different RAK today.  We had to go grocery shopping so while we were at Wal-Mart, the girls put some extra coupons I had on diapers and diaper rash cream.  We also went shopping at Aldi where you have to put a quarter in to get a cart (cuts their costs which, in turn, cuts our costs)...I left my quarter in my cart for the next person; not anything huge but hopefully it brought a smile to someone.  Tonight we rang bells for the Salvation Army and handed out mints that Jolly had left for us this morning. 
Unfortunately, we encountered several rude and grouchy people while we were out and about today.  It is our hope that the small things we do can bring a smile, even if just to one person and remind them that there is ALWAYS something we can be thankful for, no matter what our circumstances may be.  If nothing else, our kids are figuring it out.  While we were ringing the bell today, Grace was strategically placing the mints we had on the store displays.  When we told her to pick them up, she told us, "random kindness."  We couldn't argue with her there:) 


This morning Jolly was no where to be found in our house.  The girls look everywhere and were starting to get a bit nervous I think.  Madi had the idea that maybe he was in our car and, sure enough, that's where they found him!