Monday, October 19, 2015

What would you say?

What would you say if you knew it would be your last call, text, or words you spoke to someone?  This is one of the last texts I got from my mom.  After this one she had a really hard time with it or would fall asleep mid text.  We texted everyday and it was so hard to adjust to not being able to do that.  This one makes me smile because it was so typical of her.  She always wanted to pay us for everything we brought over because she worried about it costing us a lot of money.  We were all more than happy to bring food, or anything for that matter.  It was our very small way we could repay her for everything she's done for us.  And we always ended with love ya.  I know, without a doubt, that my mom knew how much I loved her when she died.  If you love someone, make sure they know.

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